In this video, you can see Andreas first starting of with 10 push-ups, then directly jumping up on to the pull-up bar and doing 10 pullups, after that time for 10 more pushups.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Get fit, lose fat, gain muscles. Your age does not mather, G-Force training, and instructor @andreastraining will help you achieve your fitness goals.

Get fit, lose fat, gain muscles.
Your age does not mather, G-Force training, and instructor Andreas Jimmy will help you achieve your fitness goals.

Say it out loud, tell as many people as possible what you are doing. Those that want to see you succeed will be a great support to you and will ask you often, how you are doing and be genuinely interested in your progress.

Set your mental focus on making changes to your nutrition first before you look at an exercise plan. Nutrition is over 75% of what you need to change to get into the best shape of your life.

It is even more important than exercise, so give it the importance it demands.

If you need help then it will be worth having a consultation with a nutrition advisor.
Send an email to

You may only need one or two consultations and in the long run, this will save yourself a lot of money. You will see major changes in your body just by making dietary changes and when adding our G-Force training program, your result will skyrocket.

Make sure to choose a program that is based around what you want to achieve.

If your goal is to be lean, toned and fit then a program that incorporates some weight training, bodyweight exercises and interval based cardio workouts will suit you perfectly.

Circuit training involves all of these activities and it is an excellent form of training that over the years has proven and continues to prove to be effective for stripping body fat like you will not believe.

Its one of the best forms of exercise for getting toned, tight, staying fit and it is also time effective. An effective circuit training session can last as little as 15 minutes and will not be longer than 35-40 minutes.

If you have more specific goals, such as packing on muscle mass or maybe entering a competitive event, it will be a good investment to have a consultation with a trainer that can help you in this area.

Remember, there are some exceptional fitness trainers here on that are not tied to gyms or fitness centers.

Instructor Andreas Jimmy is willing to help you and you will not have to sign up for a long and expensive gym membership contract on top of paying for the G-Force program you may book with Get fit lose fat gainn muscles.
Your age does not mather, G-Force training, and instructor Andreas Jimmy will help you achieve your fitness goals.

Say it out loud, tell as many people as possible what you are doing. Those that want to see you succeed will be a great support to you and will ask you often, how you are doing and be genuinely interested in your progress.

Set your mental focus on making changes to your nutrition first before you look at an exercise plan. Nutrition is over 80% of what you need to change to get into the best shape of your life. It comes above exercise, so give it the importance it warrants. If you need help then it will be worth having a consultation with a nutrition advisor. You may only need one or two consultations and in the long run, this will save yourself a lot of money. You will see major changes in your body just by making dietary changes and you may not then need to hire a fitness trainer.

Make sure to choose a program that is based around what you want to achieve. If your goal is to be lean, toned and fit then a program that incorporates some weight training, bodyweight exercises and interval based cardio workouts will suit you perfectly. Circuit training involves all of these activities and it is an excellent form of training that over the years has proven and continues to prove to be effective for stripping body fat like you will not believe. Its one of the best forms of exercise for getting toned, tight, staying fit and it is also time effective. An effective circuit training session can last as little as 15 minutes and will not be longer than 35-40 minutes.

If you have more specific goals, such as packing on muscle mass or maybe entering a competitive event, it will be a good investment to have a consultation with a trainer that can help you in this area.

Remember, there are some exceptional fitness trainers here on that are not tied to gyms or fitness centers. They are willing to help you and you will not have to be tied into a long and expensive gym membership contract on top of paying for the G-Force program you may book with them. Do a research, ask friends, family and work colleagues for referrals. Also look online and visit the websites of trainers, contact them and discuss your needs.

Do not get stressed out when things go wrong. Refocus and get back on track immediately. The key to your success is to learn from any mistakes and get quickly back on track with your G-Force program. Even your coach Andreas Jimmy has days off sometimes.

Do a research, ask friends, family and work colleagues for referrals. Also look online and visit the websites of trainers, contact them and discuss your needs.

Do not get stressed out when things go wrong.

Refocus and get back on track immediately.

The key to your success is to learn from any mistakes and get quickly back on track with your G-Force program. Even your coach Andreas Jimmy has days off sometimes.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Pull-up

In this video, you can see Andreas first starting of with 10 push-ups, then directly jumping up on to the pull-up bar and doing 10 pullups, after that time for 10 more pushups.

The Pull-up is  a closed-chain body-weight movement where the body is suspended by the arms, gripping a bar and pulls up.

As this happens, the wrists remain in neutral straight, neither flexed nor extended position, the elbows flex and the shoulder adducts and/or extends to bring the elbows to or sometimes behind the torso.

You can bend the by choice or if the bar is not high enough. Bending the knees or holding your legs out in front slightly may help to reduce swinging.

A traditional pull-up relies on upper body strength with no swinging or kipping.

Chin-ups a great exercise to get stronger, and gain muscle.

Chin-ups is performed by you go up to  the pull-up bar with the palms facing your torso and a grip smaller than the shoulder width.

As you have both arms extended in front of you holding the bar at the chosen grip width, keep your torso as straight as possible while creating a curvature on your lower back and sticking your chest out. This is your starting position. 

When you breathe out pull your torso up until your head is around the level of the pull-up bar. 

Use the biceps muscles in order to perform the movement.

90 degree leg raise performed on the dip bar. Bodyweight exercise.

Get in shape.
Andreas Jimmy Online ptogram. Get fit for life.

Get fit, lose weight, build muscle, with Andreas Jimmy Training!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Join Andreas Jimmy Training Online

Hello, and welcome to G-Force training provided by instructor Andreas Jimmy.

G-Force training is tailored to your specific requests, and need.

When you sign up, for the course you will get an email within 24 hours, there you will get a number of questions, about your current stats, and your future goals.

Then you send this email back to me, and within 3 days you get a specific training training course video, and if you want a diet plan, so you can follow my instructions, towards your goals.

You can always message questions to me.

Every 30 days, we have a follow up, during this briefing, we can evaluate, and make change if it is neccessary in order for you to reach your goals.

Welcome to your new life.

Kind regards,
Andreas Jimmy